I Will Find Joy

We lost my mom to cancer 20 years ago. After that I had a mammogram every year, but lately I've been leaving it every two years. Thank God last year was one of those years, because they found a lump. It was triple negative, a very aggressive form, but we caught it early. A year later it may have been too late. They got it all and then I had to go for 6 months of chemo and I'm just finishing up 5 weeks of radiation. I'm just beginning to feel like myself again and I'm very grateful.
I knew getting through this would take an act of my will, and I decided that every day I would find something to bring me joy. I kept a journal, both in words and in photographs. It forced me to keep my eyes open for the beauty and joy around me, even in the smallest things. And I stayed close to God in prayer, especially through the depression times.
Doing this has kept me sane through this long year and made permanent changes to the way I deal with life that will help me for the rest of my cancer free days.
I will survive, and I WILL FIND JOY!

Kim Doucette
Hamilton, Canada