I was Diagnosed with Breast Cancer May 2009

I will never forget the words when the doctor looked at me straight in the eyes and said you have Breast Cancer and have a long road ahead. I thought the world was going to fall on my head. When I walked out of the doctors office I bumped into a friend I had not seen in a while. We hugged and cried. I was very thankful to have come across her. Know matter how much people tell you it will be fine you will be okay. It is a personal battle that only you know what you are going through and you feel so alone but you are not. My mother and her sister are Breast Cancer Survivors. I had the BRCA test and tested negative. It's been two weeks since my surgery and I am ready to go back to work and I feel great. I am ready to face radiation now. I am trying to get involved in Breast Cancer Awareness and any one I can share or help with my story I am always there for them. It is a scary word but always remember you are not alone. Breast Cancer has changed my life for the better and I now appreciate so many things that God has to offer. Stay positive, fight and never give up and always have Faith know matter what kind it is. It will keep you going. Any type of support groups you can attend too will help and the support from family and friends is also very important. God Bless Us All.

A Survivor

Tania M. Castro
Miami, FL