As a 10 year Cancer Survivor (Uterine and Ovarian) I always felt extremely blessed. But in late January 2013 I found a very tender spot on the upper part of my right breast. I thought I simply had a bruise. After a quick review of WebMD - I was a bit relieved that 97% of these sore spots turn out to be cysts - ONLY 3% are Cancerous. After a few days I decided to get my General Practitioner involved. Since I couldn't get an appointment with him I went to his PA. She decided to send me in for an ultrasound just in case. Within a few days, I had a diagnosis of Cancer - Ductile carcinoma. Now I was headed to the Breast Surgeon - I could now get a handle on my prognosis.

Dr. K provided me with lots of info and options. My tumor was Triple Negative so I was facing a more aggressive treatment then some. I also had an additional mass in my left breast - pre-cancerous, so I took my BC Info Book and headed home to discuss it all with my husband of 12 years. One more bridge to cross - was I a CANCER MAGNET or what?

After reviewing the info we decided a bilateral mastectomy gave me the best chance for a future without recurrence.

So on March 27th, I had surgery and expanders were placed for future reconstruction. I then went through 8 Chemo Treatments with minimal side effects. The help and all the prayers from our family members and friends helped pull me through it. But the most exciting part - besides knowing how fortunate I was; on September 3rd - my hubby and I left for Kauai to Dog-sit for a couple of friends, a commitment we made to them in 2012. It was the best Recovery Time anyone could have asked for. A MONTH on Kauai with my best friend, a couple of sweet doggies and even my daughter from CA came for a week. So - I WAS and AM TRULY BLESSED.

Tyna S Smith
Gobles, MI