I Take One Day At A Time

On July 20,2014, I went in for my normal mammogram, and a week later I got a call to come back in to do another mammogram, so I did and again I got a call to come back in to do a biopsy.3 days later i got the call that I had breast cancer. I will never forget that day! On 9/4/2014 I went in the hospital to have a mastectomy including lymph nodes on the left side. thank God it was just stage 1 means the tumor is smaller than 3/4 of an inch in diameter. It does not appear to have spread beyond the breast. Thank God for that. I do not have to take chemo or Radiation. All I have to take is the pill for 5 years and therapy for Lymphedema for the swelling.I choose not to worry about tomorrow, I an just enjoying today. I took one day at a time.

Forest Hill, LA