I survived, but lost My World

My name is Bill, my story starts back on 15th August 2008, on the 15th August i went along with my wife (My World) to the Linda McCartney Cancer Centre, my wife had found a lump in her breast, after she had a mammogram and biopsy, we waited for a few hours and were then given the news that she had Breast Cancer the world collapsed around us but we picked ourselves up and asked the usual questions: how bad, how long, what happens now, our son was to celebrate his 18th birthday 2 weeks later so my wife would not have surgery until after this (she always put others before her self). she had a mastectomy and two weeks later we given the news that the cancer had spread and there was no cure, she got up and simply said "Oh well best make the most of what times left" and this we did for the next 3 years, she went through chemo but could not cope at times, eventually the cancer won I had lost My World, on the 15th August 2012 exactly 4 years to the day I was given the news that I had Bowel Cancer, the support i received from family, friends and strangers was unbelievable, I was determined not let it beat me, I had chemo,radiotherapy and then major surgery, after the surgery i got the news that the cancer had got out of the bowel, i had a 6 month daily course of chemo and sometimes felt like crawling into a hole and giving up but remembered how brave My World had been and how many people were supporting me, I have been clear on scans for nearly a year and know inside that i am winning, If you are struggling with treatment or just the cancer put some positive thoughts in to you mind sometimes it helps, my life is looking so much brighter.


Bill Sargeant
Liverpool, United Kingdom