I Survived Breast Cancer while pregnant

I was 38 and pregnant with my third child when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My baby truely saved my life! Prior to being pregnant with Carson I did not have a lump in my breast that I could feel, although I am certain that I already had cancer for at least a year before being diagnosed. I had a one year old named Ryan that I was still breastfeeding and had been having problems feeding on my left side for many months. I had given up breastfeeding on that side completely & my Ob/Gyn had said it was nothing to worry about. Soon after I found out I was pregnant with Carson I felt a small lump on my left breast. My husband told me I'd better get it checked out & I sort of put it on the "back burner" figuring it was probably a swollen lymph gland because I was coming down with a cold or due to raging hormones from being pregnant. I ignored it. Four days later that small marble sized lump was suddenly golf ball size! I freaked out & called the Dr. immediately. It was stage III invasive ductal carcinoma....in my milk ducts. It was so scary to be faced with the diagnosis at all, but to be pregnant at the same time was absolutely terrifying. I had a mastectomy, got a port and went through four months of chemotherapy before giving birth to my beautiful Carson. After he was born I started three more months of a different type of chemotherapy and one year of Herception and five weeks of radiation. Now Carson is 7 1/2 months old, Ryan is two years old and I am cancer free!

Sacramento, CA