I Made It!!

I will never forget the day I was given those awful words no one wants to hear. " You have stage iv breast cancer, It is not curable, but can be treated".
I felt like the earth was swallowing me, but then I felt my husbands hand on my shoulder as he gently rocked me and told me everything will be okay. Then I looked over to my 2 brothers that came with us to the appointment. The look of shock on their faces were unforgetable.
I just had a normal mammogram 4 months prior and was always very diligent on keeping up with all health matters. I had actually gone into to see my PCP for hip pain that would not go away. After several cortisone injections, physical therapy, blood work, scans, they finally decided to do an MRI. This is where it gets interesting......Final diagnosis was stage iv metastatic breast cancer. Tumors on my chest wall ( this is why the mammo did not detect the tumor), tumors on my skull, ribs, spine, and pelvis. And then there was my liver..... so many tumors the Dr;s couldnt even count!!
I was told that I had between 2 -5 years to live. Well, that did not fly with me!!!! I started Chemo that day and continued for 6 months. 2 rounds of radiation, a lumpectomy, took 3 lymph nodes, and a full hysterectomy. I am proud to say that as of today, I am a 2 year, 4 month survivor!! I am in full remission!
I could not have done this with out all the love and support from my wonderful supportive family and my terrific friends that did so much for me and my entire family. My husband always knew what to say to get me moving and stop feeling sorry for myself. He pushed me to keep fighting. My son was my inspiration to fight my very hardest. I truely believe that love, support, and the power of positive thinking can get you thru anything!

jJuanita Brown
Northglenn, CO