I Keep It Moving

I am a two time cancer survivor and I am mother of two girls, one 12 and the other 19.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer the first time at the age of 36 in the end of 2010. I felt a lump on the right breast while doing a self breast examination and it turned out to be cancer. I had a double mastectomy and was told i did not have to have chemo. I went through breast reconstruction and was on my journey to surviving, but I had always wondered if I should have had chemo.

A year later cancer reoccurred in scarred tissue in the right breast. I would have never known about the re-occurrence if it wasn't for issues going on with my left breast implant. This time of course I was put through chemo, radiation, the whole nine yards. I wanted everything and anything to make sure that cancer was out of me.

Between 2010 up until now I have lost count of how many surgeries that I have had. I have had chemo, radiation and numerous breast reconstruction. Side effects of everything that I have gone through is now just a daily part of my life that I live with.

But through it all, i know God has been with me. Both times that I had cancer, I found out by the grace of God. The first time I felt a lump and the second time it was only by chance.

I stay strong for me and my girls, more for my girls than anything. And if I had to, I will go through it again and again to make sure I will be around for them.

louisville, KY