I have cancer, cancer doesn't have me....

Last fall I was diagnosed with breast cancer...at the age of 22. I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer which had spread to my lymphnodes and lungs. I did chemo from November '08 to May '09, and had a bilateral mastectomy and right axillary node dissection at the end of June. I know that a lot of people really have a hard time with treatment...but for me, it really wasn't bad. I had to shave my head the day before Thanksgiving and was bald until May. But it wasn't so bad. I've had hardly any side effects. I've had the BEST people around me, supporting me all the way. I actually came to enjoy the quiet and peace that my time at chemo provided. God really worked a miracle in my body. Without chemo, I wouldn't have survived 6 months from diagnosis. But I'm alive and well, and basically cancer-free. I have full faith that God will complete this work in me and that I'll live a full life. I'm almost finished with my undergrad degree and will be continuing on to get my Master's degree. So, for people that are just getting into this whole process I would say that breast cancer will always be an important part of who I am and who you are...but it doesn't define us. We have cancer...cancer doesn't have us. :)

Terre Haute, IN