I had always thought you 'felt' breast cancer. I was wrong.

After all, I didn't feel any lumps so I thought I was ok. But I had extensive DCIS, early stage but aggressive. I'd skipped my mammogram a few years due to other issues. But when I suddenly had irritation on my breast, something told me I should schedule one. They'd always been normal in the past. But this time was different.

I received a notification for me to come back for additional screenings. This time the radiologist spoke to me before I left. The additional views had shown some suspicious microcalcifications that weren't on my previous mammogram. He asked me how I'd felt "because I look well". I told him I'd been very fatigued. That was enough for him to recommend a biopsy.

Fast forward to the call from my Dr. office regarding my biopsy. The nurse wanted me to come in to go over my results. I'll never forget the look on my doctor's face when he walked into the room where I was waiting. "I wish I had better news". My mind wondered as he talked and explained the results. I didn't hear much of what he said. But I remember him holding the results in front of me & circling the word 'carcinoma'.

I had a lumpectomy within a week of my diagnosis. The surgeon said had I waited just 6 months, there's no telling how much it would've spread. I had 7 weeks of radiation, no chemo because I found the cancer early.

I talk about my experience as much as I can because I want women to know how important regular mammograms are. Because I didn't feel lumps, I thought I was in the clear. I'd never heard of DCIS.
Radiation was difficult for me the last few weeks. I'd been given 7+ creams to use for the burns & blisters. You learn to use your support system & ask for help during the tough days.

I'm so thankful that I listened to my instincts & got that mammogram. I hope my story will encourage women to get theirs as well. Fight like a girl!

Lin Kelly
Rochester, IN