I fought it twice

I was scheduled for a mammography in 2004 and when I got there I was told I was 2 months early. I had just started a new job and I didn't want to have to leave early again so I told the technician to just do it. Two days later my gynecologist called, I needed to see a breast surgeon asap.

A biopsy was performed, it was breast cancer. I was 47, no history of breast cancer in my family, shock and despair followed. I had a lumpectomy on my left breast and was told that it was invasive ductal carcinoma, Her 2 and 11 positive lymph nodes. 6 rounds of AC, 6 rounds of Taxol, 30 rounds of radiation followed and I was placed on a clinical trial for Herceptin for 1 year which was approved while I was receiving it. I had 2 children 10 and 12 and a very supportive husband, family, friends and co-workers.

I was cancer free for 9 years. My beloved dad died August 2013 and November 2013 during a routine mammography the radiologist found an enlarged lymph node. After a battery of tests and biopsies they located the tumor which was 2cm in my right breast. I'd had enough and opted for a double mastectomy with reconstruction from my abdominal area "flap". The surgery took 12 hours and I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and 1 positive lymph node. My physicians were pleased that this second breast cancer was unrelated to the first and could be treated as a "new " cancer. 6 rounds of Chemotherapy and 30 rounds of radiation again. Chemotherapy was tough as had an allergic reaction during my 5th round, and there were times I just wanted to die. I made it through 33% of my last round of chemotherapy and went through the darkest time of my life. I'm done, and so happy to be alive. I thank my husband, family friends and co-workers. I could never fight this alone, they gave me the strength to go on when I needed it most. Thank you

Orangeburg, NY