I fought a giant and won!

I was a 45 yr old mother of 2 who never had any health problems and no family history of cancer . It was Halloween 2 yrs ago and I was getting ready to take the kids trick or treating. While getting dressed I felt a lump on my left breast. The next few months were a world wind of tests, doctors appointments, a biopsy and a lumpectomy. I found out on January 9th, my 45 birthday that it was cancer and I would need chemotherapy. My world felt like it had caved in on me. If not for the love and support of my husband, friends and family, I don't think I could have stayed positive long enough to get through it. I had 8 treatments of chemotherapy ahead of me. While going through the chemotherapy I found out that the margins of my lumpectomy were not clear and I would have to have more surgery so I made the choice to have a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgeries. I could not live with the fear of that cancer monkey hanging over my head. The choices I made were mine and what was best for me. It has been a very long hard path that I have traveled, but after 2 yrs I am finally starting to feel like my old self again but with a bonus, I now know what's truly important in life and I don't sweat the small stuff anymore. I am the hero of this story because I fought a giant and won!

Dawn Marie Puckett
Telford, TN