I feel so blessed

I am a firm believer in preventive medicine. I go for my checkups every year or when the doctor tells me. My mammogram had a new feature this year. I had a mass which I could not feel, nor could the doctor. It did not show up on an ultrasound. This required a needle localization to do a biopsy. This was a new experience for me. The biopsy said that the mass was malignant. My surgeon said he felt a couple of hard spots in the soft tissue when he did the biopsy and recommended a modified radical mastectomy. That was done on October 19. All the tests that they have performed on me have all come back negative for cancer, My doctors said that I do not need radiation or chemotherapy. My oncologist prescribed a pill. Ladies, get your mammograms! They work.

Carolyn Higgins
Kuttawa, KY