I couldn't believe it!!!!

Two years ago I noticed that a cyst in my right breast had gotten bigger. This freaked me out and so I went to the doctor. She sent me to get a mammogram and ultra sound. When I went in for the ultra sound, I knew it was not going to be good news. The doctor said that they saw something under the cyst that they wanted to biopsy. I was scared so they called my husband and he rushed right over to be by my side. We had to wait two unbelievably long days to hear the devastating news that I had breast cancer. Now, this news by itself is devastating…but I have also have had Crohn’s disease since I was 16 years old. In fact I almost died from that disease, so when I got the news that I had breast cancer I went through the “why me???” phase. Before the initial shock could even wear off, the process for getting the cancer out of me started full force.

The past two years have gone by faster than I would have thought. I went through chemo, radiation and multiple surgeries to get this out of me, and it worked!!! I am now cancer free. The process was not easy by any means. I did not enjoy the loss of my hair and all the other horrible side effects from chemo and radiation. Nor did I relish the multiple surgeries I had to go through for the double mastectomy and reconstruction. I am thankful that I had such wonderful doctors to get me through this!! Also, the whole process was made a lot easier thanks to my wonderful husband and daughter, my awesome brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, mom, family and friends. I could not have gotten through without all the support I received from all the people in my life!! I am blessed to have all these people in my life and to help me get through one of the worst times ever!! Thank goodness that is done and here’s to Happy and Healthy 2014 and being a survivor

Cincinnati, OH