I choose to fight!

May 2013 I was having a shower and as I was washing my breasts I felt a lump in my upper right breast. First I thought it was my imagination so I asked my friend from work to feel it. She said yes there definitely was something there. That night after work as I took off my bra, I suddenly had a pain in my right breast and a indentation in it as well. I went to the doctors and was immediately given a mammogram. A few days later I was told that it was a lump and I would need a breast ultrasound and a biopsy.
Once at the doctors a week later I was given the horrible news, that I had breast cancer and I'd need to see a surgeon. The surgeon suggested that I have a lumpectomy because of the position of my mass and because of the size of it. I also had my lymph nodes removed under my arm pit.
After the lumpectomy and nodes were removed I finally got all of the results of my tests of my tests witch I was told that I had stage 2 triple negative grade 3 breast cancer.
My oncologist told me that having triple negative breast cancer was hard to treat, and there was only one way of treating it. Chemo and radiation. I actually sat there in her office contemplating weather I wanted treatment mean I felt good right now, why would I want to put myself through chemo and make myself feel like crap.....I sat there for it seemed like forever before I decided that I wanted to live and I dont want my cancer to come back, (even though it may come back). I wanted to see my son graduate,maybe go to college, get married. My daughter maybe get her diploma, get married. Watch my two beautiful grand babies grow up! I want that....And with the love, faith,support of my family and friends I know I'll make it through this but, I also know that I'm going to fight like the girl I am!

Christina Jantzen
Cargill, Canada