I care for my husband and thought I would be immune!

My husband was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma twice. The first time in 2005 and the second 2012. He has just finished Stem Cell treatment and is coming up for a year from having it done. He now is disabled from the damage of the cancer and has got a condition called Para-neoplastic Syndrome which is all to do with the neurological side of it like a stroke. So for 8 years now I have been his carer.

Just before he went into Christie's Hospital to have the stem cell done I received my FIRST letter for a routine mammogram. As Elliot was then in hospital a friend offered to take me and be with me. So off we went and I had it done. The nurse asked me was there cancer in the family and I replied No. I wasn't duly surprised that a few days later a letter popped through my letter box to say I had been re-called. I ended up with 8 biopsies on my right breast and 5 biopsies under my arm for the lymph nodes. Results - yes I had breast cancer DCIS.
I did ask if they had the right patient as I was a carer for someone who had already gone through Cancer. Unfortunately they replied yes!
I was gutted and petrified as I had never been into hospital before. A lumpectomy lymph-node removal and finally 3 weeks of radio therapy followed after my diagnosis. I was calm and took whatever they threw at me because I had seen Elliot for the last 8 years be so positive and go through some gruelling treatment.

I had to rely on my children and my friends to take me here there and everywhere. The support and help from them all was truly amazing and to this day I really appreciate everything they did for me. I know if I had not gone for that first Mammogram my story could have been so different. I am one of the lucky ones and I am coming up for a year of being cancer free!

Jakki Pinsley
Manchester, United Kingdom