I Beat Triple Negative Breast Cancer!!!

My story begins September 2013 when I discovered a lump. I was 53 and I've always gone for my annual mammograms since age 40 and have no family history of breast cancer. Although I hadn't been doing regular self exams, I was not concerned thinking it was from the dog jumping on me and my annual mammogram was scheduled for just a few weeks later anyway. When the lump didn't go away, I saw my doctor and she prescribed a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. After those and a biopsy, I was diagnosed with aggressive stage 3a triple negative breast cancer on October 24, my Dad's birthday.

I began 4 rounds of adriamycin (the Red Devil) and cytoxan, followed by 4 rounds of taxol. My son shaved my hair before I lost it and I really wasn't too upset as I never had glorious locks of hair anyway. I ended up in and at the hospital a couple of times with infections with the AC and had some painful reactions to T, but made it though.

Then on March 21, 2014, my Mom's birthday, I had bilateral mastectomies with immediate DIEP flap reconstruction, with 10 lymph nodes removed, 2 were cancerous. After 6 weeks of healing, I began 5 weeks of radiation which wasn't too bad, but did cause a severe burn under my arm.

On June 18, my son's birthday, I had a total hysterectomy/oophorectemy as I tested positive for the BRCA1 gene variant.

And now, I am DONE and CANCER FREE!!! Just some healing and a couple of reconstruction procedures.

Throughout this ordeal, I have been truly blessed to have the support of MANY phenomenal people--my family, friends, coworkers, church, doctors and medical professionals. Their acts of kindness and generosity of spirit, time, finances are too numerous to be listed here, but I know God blessed me with their support so I could not only survive, but thrive. Thank you to all of them!

I pray that all of you receive what you need to make it through this dreadful journey. God bless you and fight like a girl!

Easton, PA