I beat the chemo beast!!

As a newly single mom of two young boys, 9 & 7, and facing bitter divorce, I found a lump on my left breast on July 1, 2013. Understand, cancer was just something that was never gonna happen to me. I just knew this. I was shocked, numb, knew deep down right away it wasn't good. It was a gut intuition, not a negative nelly attitude. I laid it at the feet of God though. He is so much bigger than any of my ailments and I trusted all the peace he would give to me in choosing my doctors to care for me.

I soon realized who the REAL people were in my life. I also found a few friends simply loved me but emotionally for personally deep reasons could not handle this. I had to impart compassion and mercy and love on them. It's all good. My life daily still went on. You can not quit. NEVER EVER QUIT!!! Never give up! Cancer sucks but do not let it suck the life out of you. Take your downtime and let go of your pride.. Accept the copious amounts of help that will be offered. People need to bless you.. It's for them as well. It's THEIR calling from God.. Do not degrudge them this.

Yesterday was my last chemo. It was such an amazing day... I was on a eurphoric high! I felt beautiful and amazing. I was surrounded by love and support. My faith thankfully never failed, always strong. My advice, never ever go to any appts alone. Find SOMEONE.. There is too much info and too emotional a time. You forget stuff, important stuff. I would have been lost without my girlfriends always being their with me! Please I beg this of every one of you!!! Love you all and praying for you! Beat the beast! Never give up!

Mays Landing, NJ