I am now stage IV breast cancer

Diagnosed aug 2008 with bilateral breast cancer both ductal and invasive i was stage II one lymph node involved. I had bilateral mastectomies, with 14 lymph nodes removed on one side. I had a tram reconstruction was in the OR 8 half hrs and my recovery was tough but i did it. Had chemo lost all my beautiful hair it was down close to my waist. I then had my thyroid biopsied and it came back positive for thyroid cancer, so you got it more surgery thyroidectomy with radioactive swallow and neck resection for positive lymph nodes. then thyroid replacement and wt gain...finally done...i thought ,i had that surg in july09. In Jan 2010 i developed a cough and shortness of breath i went to the Dr immediately and they scanned me of course because once a breast cancer pt always a breast cancer pt. 7 nodules on my lungs biopsied my lung its breast cancer so im fighting for my life again....oh man here i go again, so i started chemo Feb again a yrs worth of hair growth gone, 6 months of this I will beat this they are tiny. While all this has been going on ive been singing with my band and i co wrote a song for my breast cancer sisters. You will be hearing it at Komen events called STAND UP AND FIGHT. Life is precious I wont let breast cancer stop me from singing and living my life. I go into the recording studio and i rock with my rock band , recently i auditioned for Americas got Talent 2 days after chemo. Ladies I only have one thing to say STAND UP AND FIGHT don't let breast cancer take your hopes and dreams Im not letting it take mine MicheleAnn http://www.myspace.com/micheleannn

Daytona Beach, FL