I am Grateful!

My journey began May 17, 2013. I went for my mammogram, 15 minutes later a sonogram, 15 minutes later multiple biopsies. It all happened so fast my head was spinning. Long story short, my diagnosis was Triple Negative breast cancer - 5cm tumor in left breast with positive lymph nodes. Because I have Sarcoidosis, the right side lymph nodes were biopsied as well, all were OK. Blessed with an amazing team of specialists, the decision was to do 8 rounds of aggressive chemotherapy, followed by a bi-lateral mastectomy, and 33 radiation treatments. October 30, 2013, the mastectomy was done. My Oncologist still gives me fist bumps when I see him because the pathology reports from the mastectomy came back all clear! Total response to the chemotherapy! The journey of Breast Cancer has been a blessing for me. I know that sounds strange, but it really is true. I don't believe it is a punishment or a lesson, or a "why me" or any of that other negative stuff. My illness has taught me more about life, love, family, friendship, and myself that I ever thought possible. For me, when I heard my diagnosis it took a few days to sink in...then the journey began. The miracle began. I realized how fragile we all are. I can honestly say that I know things happen for a reason...the reason is revealed to us when we need it. I try not to take people and things for granted because life really is short. Tell the people in your life how much they mean to you and that you love them. Be kind. Be real. We all have a story so share it. You never know... someone listening might need to hear it. It may give them hope or a different perspective on something they are struggling with. Cry when you need to. Give and get lots of Hugs. Laugh as much as possible. Ask for help when you need it and help someone else when you can. Don't sweat the small stuff. Most of all....keep the FAITH, God is good.

April Fleshman
Annapolis, MD