I Am Blessed

I was diagnosed with breast cancer on August 14, 2002. On Sept. 4th I had a modified radical mastectomy of the left breast and had reconstruction at the same time. We found out the cancer had spread to 2 lymph nodes, I was scared because I had always heard that if it went to the lymph nodes you died. "Not so anymore," was what my oncologist told me. "You have an 85 - 90 % chance of survival and we'll get you there."
The most touching moment was waking up after the surgery and my family being there. My son was 10 years old and my two sisters had taken him shopping. He had picked out a white bear, dressed it in a safari outfit with a gold cross around it's neck. He gave it to me and said,"Here Mom....this is so you won't be alone."
Three days later I was home and it was at that time I knew I had to completely give this whole thing over to God and trust Him.
I went through five months of chemo and joked about my bald head, told people that I just cleaned my head with Endust and a rag, less time in the shower and didn't have to worry about shaving my legs. :) I would go to my son's school to eat lunch with him and the kids would ask what happened to my hair. (I had worked there before) They would then tell me about a family member who had had breast cancer and lived. Total strangers would talk to me and tell me about family members who had lived through it.
I'm an eight year survivor now and looking forward to many more. :-)

Jackie Buie
Crowley, TX