I am blessed to have beatin breast cancer!!!!

I can remember the day that my doctor told me that I was diagnosis with breast cancer...I was 36 yrs old when I was told, I really didnt know what to do or say at the time but all I know is that my eye's started to water up, all I can think about was to start to pray to my heavenly father above. I was thinking of how I was gonna tell my children and the rest of my family once I arrived back home. My family was really understanding and caring of my health, I went through kemo, radiation and surgery the doctor's were talking about taking my left breast but I had a second oppinion I ended up having an lumpectomy, you know the lord would only put on you no more than you can bear, so I think that he was giving me a test to see if I was a stong woman and if I really beleive in his undifing word,well as you can see I beat it, I'm 41 yrs old and I'm gonna live my life to the fullest....Thank you lord.

Melva Johnson-Miller
Pontiac, MI