I am a survivor!

In May this year I felt something in my left breast that did not seem right. I ask my husband also to look at it as I have been before to hospital before about my breast and they gave me antibiotics to work it away. My husband told me not to go work and go to a private docter which I I did docter examine and gave me one look and said he need to make me appointment at the Hospital. I Got and appointment for 23 June 2014 had a biopsy and was told to come back in 2 weeks time for results. The 15 July 2014 was a long day I was 7 o'clock at the hospital only saw my docter 13h30 that afternoon I got the news Phoebe you got cancer I was not shocked as God is walking this walk with me. I phoned my husband who was at work an he answered his phone “Yes babes I know its good news“ I had to tell him I got cancer I got hear him go quiet and telling me I'm joking and had to tell him I'm not as I was so calm after praying. I went home and was jus going to sit down when I heard somebody open the door it was my husband I just ran to him and we cried and afterwards he put some music on and we dance. Later we phoned my children and family all was shocked and was crying I just had to be strong. I was book for my masectomy 13 October 2014 and it went very well my husband Quinton was all the time with me supporting me. I was off for a month went back to hospital 13 November 2014 got good news I'm cancer-free on Tamoplex for 5yrs and just need a small operation to have my ovaries remove otherwise I'm well. I want to thank each person that was praying and supporting me but most of all thank God for his mercy and healing upon me. I am a Survivor!

Cape town, South Africa