I am a SURVIVOR!!!!!

My story begins in 1999 when my then 5 yr old daughter was about to undergo a bone marrow transplant for Leukemia when I was given the news that I have breast cancer! I underwent surgery followed by chemo and radiation all the while my daughter was still in treatment for her transplant. I was inspired by Alyssa and said if my five year old can do this than so can I! Unfortunately she lost her battle on September 20, 1999 just 3 days after I finished my final radiation treatment, her final words to me were " I am proud of you"!

In December 2003 I was told I had breast cancer again! I reflected back to that moment of Alyssa telling me she was proud and I fought back again. A mastectomy this time along with chemotherapy did not stop my will to survive!!

Now it is 2009 I found the love of my life and we married on July 18, 2009 and just 3 short months later I heard those undescribable words yet again "It's breast cancer"! I could not beleive it but I pushed on and had yet another mastectomy and once again chemo. I will admit the third time was tough, I asked myself why me? No family history, have I not had enough? Well I guess not!! I fought through it and now here I am today!

I am a SURVIVOR! I live life to the fullest enjoying my family, playing golf and running!!!

I am ever so grateful to my Husband, Mom, Children, Grandchildren, Friends and all of my wonderful Doctors!!

I Survive for all of them and me of course!!!

Mary Pruitt

Mary Pruitt
Macon, GA