I AM a breast cancer survivor

my name is pat and i am proud and happy to say i am a breast cancer survivor. I know your saying oh no another cancer story. If anyone had cancer they know how rough it is to go through.Its a long hard road and if you lucky like i was youll be able to say im a survivor with a smile. I had three operationsplus reduction and reconstruction,believe me it wasnt a picnic in any way shape or form.Todayi am cancer fre for three and one half years. now i am taking a five year pill every day to help to keep the cancer away. i go for my mammograms every six months and see my
doctors evry three months.thank god for gynecologist and mammograms or i probably wouldnt be able to say im a survivor. please i cannot stress enough go for your checkups and mammograms. These things save lives.I have lost too many friends in the past few years,please be aware of you body,do self checks and see your doctor . thank you so much for listening I appreciate it. And if i get through to at least one person Ill be very happy.god bless everyone
pat L

Patricia a Lucia
bayonne, NJ