I am a breast cancer & suicide survivor

My name is Kelley. I lost my mom to breast cancer when she was 53 and I was 23. I was diagnosed when I was 40 years old. Because of doing a self-exam, I found it and was diagnosed at stage 1, grade 1. I did go on to have a double mastectomy, chemo, and two reconstruction surgeries. Chemotherapy threw me into early menopause and into severe depression. Not long after my last treatment, I discovered that my prince charming of 16 years had been cheating on me with not one, but many women, the entire time I was fighting cancer.

We went through two years of counseling. He went with me each and every single week for two years. I was still very depressed during this time, but had no earthly idea how bad. At the end of that two years of trying to make it work, I discovered he had never even stopped doing what he was doing not even for a minute. This sent me completely over the edge and I tried to take my own life. I ended up on life support as they worked to save my life. I'll never forget waking up and thinking this must be a terrible dream. I didn't want to wake up. I had every detail planned. What I hadn't planned on was God giving my youngest daughter a sudden sinking feeing that something was wrong. She had no idea what but it was that feeling that caused my husband to return home, even though they were supposed to be gone the entire day.

I spent the next months so upset that I woke up. I didn't understand why I lived through it. But today, only 13 months later, I am so much better. I am not depressed. I have taken MYSELF completely off all antidepressants. I am no longer suicidal nor do I have any lingering thoughts about it. I am a fighter, I am a survivor!! It took nearly losing my life to find it and to value it.

YOU can beat anything!!


Buford, GA