On My Always yearly Routine Mammogram and Sonogram,,I got diagonosed with Invasive Lobal Carcinoma in One BREAST in two spots. That was on March 24, 2010. Small and Slow growing the Mammogram Dr. Said..I searched into 5 Breast Surgeons, 4 Plastic Surgeons to see what I should do over the next two months. I was told to have a Mastectomy, Have two Mastectomies and do reconstructive surgery. Being a newly Senior Woman of a Certain AGE.. I didnt want to take off my Breast, no less both of them unless it was totally necessary. I took the BRACA Gene Test, It was negative,,did a Petscan of my Body,,all negative..and so I went back and forth deciding with my BEST GirlFriend and other family members and doctors what I would do. I went to a support Group for Woman survivors, saw a few women with both breasts removed that were happy. Spoke to support Groups on the phone..and finally Decided to go with the Head of BREAST CANCER Surgery in my Long Island Area..and had my Double Lumpectomy May 18, 2010. Now the Report says that I am Clear with clean margins, and No Lymph Nodes are involved. Thanks to God and lots of prayers by me and family and friends, I will see the Doctor and find out all about my Radiation Treatment. I do NOT NEED THE MASTECTOMY that the other 4 Breast Surgeons told me to have. Thank God. I reached out to Dr. Susan Love Foundation too in California, and other Doctors out of STATE on emails. I am so glad that I CHOSE to Keep my BREAST and not just Jump Into a Treatment that I would be unhappy with. I will keep Vigil and always ADVISE EVERY WOMAN to GET YOUR MAMMOGRAM.
