Holiday shock

I had always thought that the holiday's (Thanksgiving to New Years) were suspose to be happy. That all changed in fall of 2007 my family doctor suggested that I look into preventitive surgery for breast cancer. I really thought that she was crazy. It took me a couple of months and I went and seen the breast doctor. She said that with my strong family history that I was a very good canidate for the surgery. But before surgery she wanted me to do three things, one a MRI of my breasts, two find a plastic surgeon if I wanted reconstruction, and three have genetic testing done, since I have daughters. Well on November 9, 2007 I was diagnosed with stage one invasive ductal carcinoma. They said that the mass was small, but very close to the chest wall. I had to wait until December 10, to get both doctors in the operating room at the same time. That month I was a mess. The waiting until December 10, was very stressfull, and then Thanksgiving was thrown in the mix. I am very lucky, to have my husband, my rock, and the rest of my family . To be honest I don't know how my husband did it. December 10th came. With my husband and daughter at my side I walked into the pre-op area. Hugs, Kisses and alot of tears. Then the next thing I remeber is going into a private room. After they got me settled, my then 9 year old granddaughter ask the nurse "did you get all grama's cancer".
Well I just hit 24 months of remission. And found out that my cancer was hormone receptive, so I am now on treatments, but I AM ALIVE!

Mary Durst
Wickliffe, OH