HER2 Positive HELL

Cindi & Lurch were diagnosed with HER2 Positive Breast Cancer, June 2, 2008. Lurch waited for months to get "that call" from the lab, your results were mixed up...you don't have cancer. Our first round of treatments, Taxiteirre, Carboplatin, Herceptin June, 23&24, 2008. One we realized Cindi's fragile system could handle the medicine, we did all three in one treatment, rather than one medicine per day. This was once monthly, concluding August 2008. Next step is planning the long-term of the chemotherapy & preparing for surgeries.
The composttion of the three medicines made Cindi so sick, she stayed on the couch & the bathroom was her best friend.
September was various visits with specialists and preparing for surgeries in October & November. We agreed to a double masectomy as the cancer was in the left breast and calcifications in the right breast. Lurch explained to the love of his life he was unable to go through this twice. Cindi had already made that decision....God Bless her!!!
We took 50 weeks of from October 2009 until October 2010, when our cancer returned. Back to chemotherapy and trying some new additions to elevate the herceptin. This was very bad. Herceptin stood alone and Cindi was very weak. Our (INCREDIBLE) oncologist, from Vanderbilt scanned everything available to him through work, schhol, and connections in the medical community.
During 2011 our cancer became stage 4. This means the cancer has progressed (or spread) to other organs in the body. Our doctor once again went to bat and qualified us for TDM1 (trials) and we did this independently.
We have GREAT SUCCESS with TDM1 maintaining the cancer. No growth, no more spreading. Simply MAINTAININthe cancer (in check).

Lurch & Cindi are so GRATEFUL for a young BRILLIANT doctor from Vanderbilt!!!!

Cindi (WolfWindSpirit) I LOVE YOU!!!

Mount Holly, NC