In September of 2007 my almost 84 year old Mother discovered a lump in her right breast. They set her up for a Mammogram and discovered a small lump that was biopsied and determined it to be cancerous, In situ, Stage 0. They did a Lumpectomy within a few days and then she underwent 6 1/2 weeks of daily radiation treatments.
I have my physical every year the week of my Birthday. 2 days after turning 53, I was called to come back in as they thought they saw something different on the Mammogram from previous years. Nothing was felt during my physical exam. Then I ended up with an Ultra Sound, then a Compression mammogram. Both were inconclusive. Then I was sent to see a surgeon about a biopsy. After reading my records, she suggested that we do a Breast MRI using a Dye Contrast. That was inconclusive as well. So they repeated that same MRI test but did a Vacuum Assisted Biopsy at that time. Less than 1 year after my Mothers diagnosis, I was told I had cancer. I had a Lumpectomy. My Sentinal Lymph Node Biopsy was Clear. I had Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with Lobular tendencies, Stage 1, Grade 2 with Hormone Positive Receptors. I had a re-lumectomy a month later at which time I chose to have the new Mammosite High Dose Radiation Treatments which only lasted 9 days from balloon insertion to removal. Everyone was very suppostive at the Vince Lombardi Cancer Center at Aurora Bay Care Center, Green Bay, WI.
We consider ourselves very lucky to say that we are Breast Cancer survivors and are both currently taking Arimidex to prevent the cancer from returning.
We recently helped to raise $22,000 for Breast Cancer Research here at The University of Wisconsin, Green Bay.
DePere, WI