Hats off to Self-Exams!

I want to start off by telling anyone reading this to do their monthly self-exams. Please tell your Sisters, Daughters, Mom, Cousins, Aunts and friends. This is such an important thing that takes almost no time!
By doing this at around the same time every month, you will become very familiar with the way your breasts feel and you will be able to tell when something isn't right.
I had just turned 49 in December 2008 when, while performing my Breast Self-Exam, I found THE LUMP! It wasn't very large, but it quickly overtook every waking moment. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in January of 2009. I had a double mastectomy with re-constructive surgery and I've also had chemotherapy. Now, almost a year later, my doctor says that I am Cancer-Free! It was a very scary journey but I knew I would not be traveling the road alone. I had wonderful support from my family, friends and co-workers. I don't think I would have come through with so much optimism if it hadn't been for their prayers and my own Faith. PLEASE remind all of the women in your life to perform their self-exams.

San Antonio, TX