Gods path for me

I could feel a lump in my left breast for many months. I remember calling my doctor to book the appointment stating that I just wanted him to "ease my mind". Mammogram and breast ultrasound confirmed the suspicious lump so breast biopsy was ordered. I remember the Dr that did the biopsy held my hand after she was done and confirmed that I in fact had breast cancer. She called my boss (who is a family physician) to tell him that I wouldn't be at work the next day, it was in her best opinion that I take a day off. She told him why, (with my permission). I went on to have a mastectomy, with 18 lymph nodes removed, 8 of these were positive for metastatic disease. Pathology confirmed that I had stage 3C breast cancer. I then had 16 doses of chemotherapy and 45 doses of radiation. Through it all I found strength through my family, (my husband and my children to be exact), and put my fate in Gods hands. I kept telling myself that God chose my journey to give me hands on experience. I was given this path to be more empathetic towards my patients. Who better knows what someone is going through than someone who has already gone through it? Today, I am 5 years cancer free. It didn't come without it's bumps in the road (double mastectomy, hysterectomy), but I am healthy and happy and owe this to my family and to God.

Stratford, Canada