God Said No More Cancer

I worked for a doctors office in May of 1999. I had a pain in my right breast and the doctor set up a mammogram for me. I had it and the raidologist came and said it was a Benign Tumor and not to worry it was NOT cancer! When I left the office I cried all the way home because something inside was telling me it WAS cancer. He set up the appoinment with the surgeon and I got a call saying they had sceduled a Biopsy for me. I went for that and then 2 weeks later went to the surgeons office for that appointment. He walked in the room and started talking about doing a double or single mastectomy and I looked at him and said "for a benign tumor"? He then said "you didn't get the call"? I told him no and he said "you have stage 3 cancer". I was in shock but I knew I had to keep up a "happy face" because my mom and 7 year old daughter were with me. I said ok lets set up surgery and get it out! I have a child to raise. I had the surgery then moved out of the state to take my chemo and radiation treatments. I went through 2 rounds of chemo after the radiation and I developed a major staph infection. When the doctor said the dates of the next round of chemo I said no. God had told me the night before that I was healed and would never have cancer again! I am 11 years free of cancer now! I believe what God told me and I always will! My daughter is now married and has a beautiful little boy and I get to be with him always.

Tulsa, OK