God is good!

God has a plan for each one of us. He healed me because he still has work for me to do. He allows me to come along side of him to share his love, & to encourage other women, and men. I was 37 when diagnosed with breast cancer the first time, & as is common there was no history in my family. It was stage 2. I was married & had two daughters (12 & 6). My team of doctor's recommended aggressive treatment. I agreed & the journey began. The next 10 to 11 months included a 3 drug chemotherapy regiment, a lumpectomey & node dissection, a 2nd biopsy, & radiation. Prior to the actual treatment plan beginning I had several tests to confirm the diagnosis, including an ultrasound, needle aspiration, core biopsy, a bone, brain, chest and liver scan. During my course of chemotherapy & prior to my surgery I developed one of those dreaded "chemotherapy" infections, & spent a week in the hospital. It was very serious, but God brought me through. Also, as a result of my treatment I had many side effects (weight loss, nausea, vomiting, complete hair loss, and mouth sores.) Time passed & the treatment ended. I believe "life after cancer" never goes back to "life before cancer"! While I can not say I wish cancer on anyone I would have to tell you I wouldn't change one thing about my experience. It enabled me to grow closer to God, become more compassionate & to more fully understand what is important and what is not. 7 years later I had a "new ocurrance" in the other breast. It was the same type, but stage 0 because it was caught early. I decided to have a bilateral mastectomy & reconstruction. The miracle of my story is 2 years later God blessed us with a surprise--a son (I took fertility pills for both girls.) With God all things are possible! Amber is 33, Danielle, 27 & Hunter is 15. Our grandson is 2. In Mar. Wendell & I will celebrate 37 years of marriage.

Yvonne Dowling
Tallahassee, FL