G-mother, mother, two sisters and myself

After this long history of Breast Cancer in the family, and NO genetic component...I was diagnosed with IDC in 2009. I had a lumpectomy and my nodes were clear. With my first (and last) dose of chemo I experienced a very rare but known side effect called Neutropenic Colitis (or Typhlitis). Within a week of receiving the treatment I was airlifted to the nearest city to find that it had entirely melted my colon, stopped my heart and kidneys and ultimately put me in a coma for 2.5 months. It was 8 months before I was able to return home. As my family was told that I would not survive, I fought, and I am here with a smile on my face because I was given a rare second chance at life. I am still cancer free and I will start radiation soon. I Will continue to fight and I WILL win! No matter how hard it may get or seem...think of me and how hard I have fought and know that YOU are in my thoughts and prayers. There is strength in numbers and we must all fight this together!!!

Marcie Walton-Ballard
Port Angeles, WA