Future Cancer Survivor

On January 3, 2014 I was told that I tested positive for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma stage 2 on my left breast.. I felt my heart dropped as I sat there and watched the Radiologist MD who performed the breast biopsy with the Hospital RN. Two of my four daughters were sitting by my side and I felt both of them squeeze my hands as the Dr spoke. I already knew quite a lot about this disease. I had recently done research when my 38 year old niece passed away from the same cancer just six months ago. My tumor is 2cm , ER/PR positive and HER2 positive. I have since had many doctors appointments and many tests to prepare for bilateral mastectomy and chemotherapy. I have not yet decided if I want reconstructive surgery. I need more information before I decide. I am still in disbelief and really trying to deal and keep strong. I would like anyone with a similar experience to counsel and guide me with any additional information that may help in any way to keep me strong and encourage me to think positive. Sometimes I feel strong and sometimes I think "Am I going to die?"

Thank you

Nellie Figueroa
Orlando, FL