Friday the 13th - my unlucky day

I went for my annual mammogram in April of 2011. My Dr. sent me for a biopsy, and on Friday, May 13th the breast surgeon called to tell me I had breast cancer. I was shocked because I didn't have a lump. I had calcification. I had a lumpectomy without clear margins and underwent another. Still no clear margins so had a third lumpectomy. After three my Dr. told me a mascetomy on my right side was my only option, as the cancer was thru my whole breast. He said it would eventually be on the left side if it wasn't already. In August, 2011 I underwent a belateral mascetomy with reconstruction. One year later it came back - stage 4 in my lumph nodes. I underwent six months of chemotherapy, six weeks of radiation, and one year of herceptin infusions.

My family, friends & co-workers were very supportive during my long journey. I couldn't have done it without them. I have been fighting for three years, and will continue to do so. There is life after cancer, and I am stronger than cancer.

Mary Murray
Quinnesec, MI