Follow your instincts!!!

It wasn't my regular time for a mammogram, I was actually 6 months overdue, yet I felt an urging to make an appointment for a physical. There were no lumps, bumps or symptoms of anything suspicious, just an urging which I believe was God's interventio n in my life!. The mammogram should some "calcium" spots, but nothing of great concern, as did the ultrasound. Yet as a precaution a needle biopsy was ordered "just to make sure." Two weeks later I received a phone call from the physician. "You have DCIS cancer and we are scheduling surgery in one week." What? Cancer? I had repeatedly been assured it was probably nothing, yet the diagnosis was cancer! It was very small so only a lumpectomy was performed. DCIS is Ductal Carcinoma In Suto...which means we caught it early--Thank God! The cancer was very small, in a milk duct which is double walled. It had eaten through the inner wall, but not the outer wall of the duct. DCIS was explained as a very aggressive cancer, yet when caught early is only 3-5% likely to reoccur. The surgery was followed with 36 radiation treatments. Again the radiologist reiterated the importance of mammograms--"it saved your life!" Now, praise God, I am 2+ years cancer free and yes, I most definitely get my regularly scheduled mammograms and check ups! PLEASE ladies, get your mammos. They may save your life!!!

Stromsburg, NE