Follow your gut instinct

I was visiting family in Singapore in January 2013. After my period, one breast deflated and one remained full. It didn't hurt or felt like a lump. It felt like dense breast. I went to the doctor and he also concluded it was dense breast but something in me made me requested a specialist.

When I saw the specialist, she had students with her. She asked if it was OK for her students to study me too. I agreed. The breast specialist concluded it was dense breasts and then the students had a feel too. But to show the students the next step of the diagnosis, she brought us all to the ultrasound room and got the technician to examine my breast and it showed up on the screen. She was surprised. She then arranged for me to get my mammogram done the same day. She said definitely there's something there. She scheduled me to get a biopsy the next day and 2 days later I met her for my results.

It was positive. I had breast cancer. The tears slowly filled my eyes and streamed down my face. My best friend was with me. We were both speechless. I called my mom and called my husband and we all cried. At first I decided to send my 3-yr-old daughter home to US while I did my treatment in Singapore but finally decided to go back to US to be with my family and do the treatment. My diagnosis came 1 month before my 34th birthday. It was 4cm but not in my lymphnodes. In 3 weeks, it was 10cm and in my lymphnodes. By the time I did my surgery in May, the surgeon had to remove 13 lymphnodes with 11 being cancerous. I am triple negative.

I shaved my head before my hair fell out because I wanted to decide when I was going bald. I just finished my chemo and now awaiting my bone/CT scan results. I am a fighter, I will survive!

Melissa Battiato
Winfield, IL