The life I knew was forever changed.

As I was driving home with my two daughters in the back seat singing songs on the radio, my phone rang and a voice on the other end said "Kelly, I'm so sorry, but your test results came back from your biopsy and you have breast cancer." My life suddenly flashed before me through the eye-wrenching glare on the windshield. The voice continued as all I heard was silence as she continued to tell me more details of my test results. The world and everything around me was in slow motion and all I could hear were haunting voices whispering in my ear.

I had a million emotions hover all around me, like hands from a gravesite pulling me under not able to breathe. Like standing on a cold empty stage with bright lights shining only on me, but the seats were empty. I whispered to myself, breathe, this is all you can do now. Questions racing in my mind, as the voice continued to talk on the other end of the phone, telling me the scientific name of the cancer, what I needed to do and to act fast because it was aggressive. These words left the door wide open for opportunity for the terrifying words "what if." What will happen to me if I die or live, what will happen to my innocent daughters, my husband and questions of "why me" racing through my completely chaotic mind. I was suffocating like a fish out of water.

11 months later and cancer free, the answers are clear. To live differently, not so scheduled and worried all the time, but to LIVE YOUR LIFE! Enjoy all the little things you have in your life. Breathe!

(donation for Bridge of Blessings Organization, Richardson TX)

Kelly Garrett
Canyon Lake, TX