First Me, Now My Mom

In 2/09 I was diagnosed with Stage IV Inflammatory Breast Cancer. My cancer was discovered during a routine physical. By 6/09 the metastisis had disappeared thanks to the chemo, but in 12/09 the cancer progressed and I was put on a different chemo. With the chemo, radiation, and surgeries, I received a favorable response. My family and I were extremely thrilled. We were finally able to relax a little and celebrate. It has been a very difficult year for us. My mother-in-law passed away in 9/09, my cancer had progressed in 12/09 and my dad passed away in Jan '10. But, literally days after receiving a great report from my surgeon, I found out that my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was numb and speechless, but as the numbness wore off, I became angry. This was hitting too close to home. Nevertheless, I knew I had to help my mother. One night, after going to bed, it suddenly clicked. When I was diagnosed, I never asked "why me?". But now I know "why". My mom needs me to help her because I now have the wealth of knowledge and the personal experience. It may become difficult for her, but I will be there for her every step of the way, despite the fact that we live several states apart. My daughter is too young to lose her mother; she's only 7 years old. She's also too young to lose the only grandparent she has left.....her nonna. On Saturday, October 2nd, Komen's Race for the Cure will be held in Charlotte. This day will be an even more emotional one for us. We will be walking not only for myself, but for my mother. Mom......we are in this fight together! I love you with all my heart!!!

Mary De Jesus
Charlotte, NC