First in the Family

I was diagnosed in January, 2009 with breast cancer after finding a lump a few weeks earlier. I found the lump totally by accident one morning while taking a bath. My first thought was that it was nothing more than a cyst because that runs in my family. But unfortunately and fortunately it was cancer. I guess you wonder why I say it was fortunate, that is because after going through this journey and process I am a totally different person and I have a totally new attitude about my life. While going through my journey, God afforded me the opportunity to find out who my true friends were (turns out I have a lot of true friends), my family and I became closer (kinda of hard because we have always been close), and I even finally bought the new home that I had been wanting but was afraid to step out and do. But I knew that God was not sending me through this process to go back to the same way I was before going through it. I try to live life to the fullest, no is not an option when yes allows me to do something enjoyable. I do take a daily medication that is causing bone deteroration, but I continue to get up everyday go to work and endure the pain (God allows me to do that) and I wlll be graduating from college in December. By the way did I mention that I will be 50 years young next month, I have two adult sons and two wonderful granddaughters (4 years and 8 months) that I plan on sticking around to spoil rotten. It was a journey, but one I had to take to get to where I am today, I thank God for it.

Independence, LA