Finding the humor in as much as I can!

I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer a week before my 33rd birthday; needless to say, as everybody says, it was a shock. I have no family history and suddenly have a fairly large tumor in my breast termed as "aggressive" and stage 3. It was about that time the word "aggressive" came out of my oncologists mouth that I thought I would vomit. The diagnosis was just setting in but wait now it's also aggressive? Not what I wanted to hear.

This month has been a blur to say the least...I've had 4 surgeries/procedures in less than a months time and just had my first chemo on June 30th. Everybody has been amazing. I'm seeing the best breast surgeon in the state and when you are with her you are the only patient she has...actually you are the only patient in the building in her eyes! I've chopped off my hair and donated it to locks of love, bought a wig and am making jokes about what to do with my upcoming baldness.

I'm so blessed with a great support system, I'm totally blown away by the support by friends and family. (Not that I thought they wouldn't be supportive.) Through my faith in God, positive attitude, informing myself as much as I can and sense of humor I've managed to actually keep a smile on my face more often than not. I'm seeing this as just a bump in the road that needs to get out of my way! I have a life to live!

Jessica Bowden
Casco, ME