Finding Strength in the Struggle

March 14th, 2013
Was the official date
I joined
“Team Pink.”

And from the very beginning
I heard God say,
“Start a Cancer Diary”

Which I did
And people tell me
It’s the first thing
They read
To start their day

That it has helped them
Get through their own
Life challenges

And while Cancer hasn’t been easy
And I’ve had to be creative
On how I explain it to my four-year old son

I have been able to see
The blessing in disguise
Even on the days
When I not really feel like getting out of bed
Cooking breakfast for my boys

As humans
We so much want to move from
Uncomfortable situations
We want to hurry though them
We want them to be over

But God has shown me
There can be strength
Found in the struggles

And I have come to find
That this time with myself
Is a time of learning
And contemplating
And rebuilding
Like a caterpillar
In a cocoon

And soon enough
I will hear
“Your time’s up
Your wings are ready”

And I will emerge from this
Stronger and more beautiful
Than when I entered
And so too
Can others

Streamwood, IL