Fighting For Two

On March 6, 2009, I was 29 yrs old, mother to my 3 1/2 yr old son, and 17 weeks pregnant with my daughter when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had a right mastectomy 2 weeks after diagnosis. Over the course of the rest of the year, I would complete 4 chemo treatments while pregnant, 16 Taxol treatments post-pregnancy, a left mastectomy and started the reconstruction process.

On July 17, 2009, at 37 weeks along, Mya Jean was born a healthy 6lb 12oz baby girl via C-section. My oncologist was very aggressive with my treatment plan (which I am so thankful for). I had Mya 3 weeks early so that I could start Taxol treatments post-pregnancy. However, right before discharging, I raised concern to her that my left arm had begun to swell. I had a blood clot in the area of my chemo port and was sent home administering Lovenox injections (blood thinner) into my abdomen. I would have to continue this therapy for 6 months to prevent further clots from forming and give the current clot time to fully dissolve.

A week after my delivery, I experienced a postpartum hemorrhage. The area where the placenta detaches from the uterine wall forms a scab in the healing process. This scab begins to shed about a week after birth. Due to being on blood thinners, my body could not stop the bleeding.

I am approaching my 5-year diagnosis anniversary. Looking back it seems so long ago, but at the same time, like it was yesterday. My oncologist announced his retirement this year, so I brought Mya to my last appointment with him. We gave him hugs, told him we'd miss him and thanked him for his care.. He bent down and looked into Mya's big blue eyes and said, "You know, you are a very special little girl. In fact, you will probably never know just how special you and your mom really are." She really is a miracle! To my fellow survivors... Go, Fight, Win!! You've got this and you are not alone :)

Leslie G.
Ames, IA