Fight on Warrors! Celebrating 11 years cancer free!

I was 41, diagnosed with breast cancer. I was shocked having no breast cancer in my family. Lumpectomy and lymph nodes, 4 months of chemo, 33 visits of radiation and a 7 year regiment of drugs, and a hysterectomy. My toughest battle would come later in the year, I lost my husband of 19 years to suicide. Mary Babb tended to me during the worst time in my life. Ladies I can tell you that having a good team is so very important. They not only tend to your physical needs, a good team sees that you get any additional help, in my case therapy. I can tell you it wasn't easy, but I will tell you that I fought the fight and raised two beautiful children during that time, my son, who was 10 and my daughter 13. I can tell you that it is as much a family disease as well as a personal one I remember losing my hair and the first big haircut I got, which I might add, I swore I'd never be strong enough to do was very emotional for me, as the hair fell into my lap, I relived losing my hair. I remembered feeling like an "it", during that time. I remember laying in the pet scans. What got me through, was my conversations with God. That brought me peace. Ladies when you are in the thick of it, remember its the hard battles that make you into the person who can reach out and help others. While tears fill my eyes and my heart swells with emotion typing this, while it brings sadness because I miss my husband terribly everyday, it also has taught me strength. You can do this. You can fight. You can become stronger when you feel like you can't go on. You are beautiful, when you feel like an "it"! You are a survivor. I am you and you are me. I carry you in my heart fellow survivors, ones fighting the battle, my team, Dr. Abraham, my family, my friends and my God. Fight on warriors!!!!!

Salem, WV