Fight like a Mom

My story begins on October 18th, 2012. It just so happened to be our local Think Pink day and there I was in the doctor's office getting the works: mammogram and ultrasound, followed by a biopsy. Thank goodness this office is a one stop shop as it pertains to tatas. I had been experiencing pain in my left breast and it was also turning red and getting larger. Anyways, back in the office after the biopsy, I asked how long it would take to get the results back, it was Thursday and I really didn't want to agonize over this test for the whole weekend. They told me that they would put a rush on it and maybe get the results back Friday afternoon.
After leaving the doctor's office, I went to my son's school to work in the classroom. When my son saw me, he came running and tried to jump on me. At which I had to tell him no jumping on mom. He was okay with that, but asked why I was sore and what was my appointment for. I told him I would tell him later. Later came after school as we were walking out to the parking lot, He turned and looked at me and said, "Okay, why are you sore and what was your appointment for? It better not have anything to do with why people are wearing pink because people die from that." He was 9 at the time we are very close and he is very intuitive. I was crushed, because even though I hadn't gotten the results yet, I knew deep down what was going on.
The results came in the next morning. With my best friend by my side, I heard the word, CANCER. It was stage III, IBC and IDC with lymphnode involvment and BRCA to boot. I've gone through chemo, radiation, multiple surgeries and on August 16, 2013, remission. I'm here by the grace of God and becasue I have reason to fight. My hero, my son, Nathaniel! Keep up the good fight, we will win!!

Laura Klima
Redding, CA