Fight it like a girl and beat it like a woman

In Janurary 2009 I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. In November I felt a small lump in my right breast. A week later my OBGYN sent me for a mammogram. When he received the results he sent me over to a surgeon and exactly a week after the mammogram I had an ultra sound and needle biopsy done. Two days after the biopsy my surgeon called me into his office and explained to me I had breast cancer. My tumor had almost trippled in size from the time of the mamogram to the ultra sound (7 days). He wanted to take me right over to the hospital to do a bilateral masectomy. But I need my parents from Oklahoma to be with me so we waited until the next morning. I then completed months of chemo. 2 months ago I had tissue expanders in. Here in 4 to 6 weeks I will be able to receive the implants. The tissue expanders have been the hardest part.
Not one time I have I cried over having breast cancer or even asked why me. The best advised I can give to anyone going through breast cancer is to stay strong. Don't cry or get depressed over it. It will only make things harder for you. Having a good support system also helps. Don't feel bad asking for help. My son, friends and family are the reason why I am still here.

jamie kay
Chandler, AZ