Fight for yourself

It still feels unreal, over 7 years later. At 31, during a moment of intimacy with my husband, his thumb hit a lump and then started us on a whirlwind of me fighting with doctors. First fight, PLEASE let me get a mammogram, second fight, PLEASE give me my records so I can go to a surgeon. I had no family history, my only risk factor was being a woman. My gut told me to keep pushing though. It took months, but after a surgeon saw me, he took action immediately, and I was able to get surgery, chemo and radiation to treat my Stage II, Grade 3 breast cancer. It's a horrible shame you can't trust the doctors alone and have to be your own advocate, but that is the reality. It guarantees nothing, but every bit helps.

I am now 38, no evidence of disease and thriving. Not a moment goes by I am not grateful for that.

Kissimmee, FL