
I had my first ever mammogram done on February 3,2014. They found a mass on my right breast. They scheduled me for a biopsy on that Friday February 7, 2014. The doctor originally thought it was just a cyst however when he went in he instead found a solid mass. He said he felt some "crunchy" stuff while doing the needle core biopsy. When he was done he told me that in his experience as a doctor all these masses that he sees 99% of them are cancerous. He told me to be prepared for the worst. I had a horrible weekend. Crying and wondering what is next for me. When again I asked him to be honest and simple with me he said that he was certain 99% that I had a malignancy and that my options were either a lumpectomy or a mastectomy. He said very rarely do these tumors come back benign. If they do it's less than 1%.

Today I found out I was that less than 1%. My tumor is benign. I was told I had fibroadenoma. It is a benign tumor of the breast. I was elated and so happy I didn't know what to do with myself. It did teach me something though. It made me more aware of what is out there and how very real and scary breast cancer is. I do not wish this feeling upon anyone. I will proudly wear the pink ribbon from now on. It is a symbol of hope and health. I hope they someday find a cure for this horrible disease. I have the utmost respect for all the millions of pink warriors who are fighting breast cancer or who have a family member or a friend fighting breast cancer and I also commend the survivors. They are true heroes for not letting the cancer control and run their lives. God Bless

Aristea Papavasiliou
Lake Worth, FL